Cineppraisal: The Film Nerd Friends For People Who Don't Have Film Nerd Friends


Illustrator/podcaster/ukelele enthusiast Dax Schaffer and myself are finally unleashing our film commentary podcast on the world. Cineppraisal is a catalog of commentary tracks meant to be synced up and listen to alongside the movies we discuss.

We bring our own studied insights along with a healthy dose of smartass humor to films as diverse as Rashomon (1950), The Woman in Black (2012), Amelie (2001), and King Kong (1933). It’s like we’re in your living room with you, cracking jokes and drawing your attention to some of the finer and more missable details of some truly great films.

Find us on your go to podcast app, or click here, and let’s watch some movies!

And let us know what you think! We’re on all the Social Medias @cineppraisal