The Primaries are done. We have a candidate. Crying that your chosen person didn't win won't help remove Trump. No, Trump and Biden are not the same. Stop being a jackass. Grow up. Vote. Biden was not my choice, but my skin is too dark, and my personal life too colorful, to live through another 4 years of Trump.
So, maybe stop pretending you give a shit about other people, and actually do something. Vote like a responsible adult. Seriously, I'm over the bullshit. I'm over the performative outrage that Bernie or Elizabeth Warren didn't win. That's what primaries are for. So the will of the people can choose a candidate. If the majority didn't land behind your chosen candidate, congratulations, you just learned that Democracy doesn't bend to you. This must be a big day for you. Grow up. Vote.
I have no patience left for any arguments to the contrary. I've heard and been a part of them for the last 2 years. And guess what? Biden and Harris is our ticket. You choose not to vote? You're choosing to not remove Trump from office. You are allowing Evil to Triumph by doing nothing. You choose to vote independent in protest? You're allowing Trump to remain in office. Seriously, no one is going to see your "protest vote" and think, "Man, this small minority has a point."
You want a better world for every American? Vote. You want stormtroopers off of our streets? Vote. You want any chance of ever seeing the things you claim to want, like universal healthcare, a living minimum wage, or higher taxes for the super rich? Vote.
John Lewis had his skull cracked fighting to guarantee the right to vote. People have died to guarantee your right to vote. Republicans are still doing everything they can to suppress it. The only nations that fight this hard to keep their own people from voting are dictatorships.
You may not see the changes you want under Biden, but the door is open to further progress. Under Trump the door will be locked, nailed shut, and you'll be peppersprayed for acknowledging there ever was a door.
You people are being children. The whole class voted for Vanilla and Chocolate ice cream, and you're throwing a fucking tantrum in the corner because you wanted strawberry.